- ArticlePope Francis gives attention to the plight of the poor several times on Laudato Si’, drawing attention to the fact that it is the poor...
- ArticleWhat difference does Jesus make for environmental issues? In his encyclical, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis attempts an answer. He underscores the need for a sustainable...
- ArticleIn this essay, I begin with a brief account of Pope Francis’ vision of integral ecology as presented in his encyclical Laudato Si’,particularly in connection...
Pope Francis’ vision of the human person’s relationship to the environment accentuates care for the earth without degrading the centrality of the person. Building from...
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In 1975, Dorothy Day wrote, “It will be Chuck Smith, in West Virginia, who will be writing about agronomic universities or farming communes—that aspect of...
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This study argues that, even though the Catholic Worker movement operated within a personalist perspective, they shaped the emergence of green civic republican rhetorical strategies...
- ArticleThis paper examines three critical environmental episodes: the development of the subsistence homestead community of Norvelt, Pennsylvania in the 1930s and 1940s, the Donora smog...
- ArticleFollowing Pope Francis’ lead in Laudato Si’, this essay uses Catholic Social Teaching to examine the impacts of fossil fuels on family farming in New...
- ArticlePope Francis’ second encyclical, Laudato Si’, directly addresses the responsibility all persons share for the care of our common home, the earth. This essay investigates...
- ArticleAnn Pancake’s 2007 novel Strange as This Weather Has Been serves as a helpful complement to Laudato Si’ by filling a crucial gap in the...
- ArticleThe Catholic Committee of Appalachia’s people’s pastoral, The Telling Takes Us Home, was not intended as a response to the pope’s encyclical Laudato Si’. While...