- IntroductionThis introductory essay provides us the occasion to state clearly that we think Fr. Servais Pinckaers, O.P. is the most important Catholic moral theologian after...
- ArticleIn this essay, I proceed in four steps. One, I start with key claims from the documents of Vatican II about God’s action in each...
- ArticleIn this essay, I argue that Pope Francis makes a positive case for gradual but full conformity with the marriage “ideal” in Amoris Laetitia, and...
- ArticleIn this article, I study St. Thomas Aquinas’ usage of instinctus in relation to the gifts of the Holy Spirit by comparing his earlier work...
There is an increasing awareness that the infused virtues, gifts of the Holy Spirit, beatitudes and fruits of the Holy Spirit form essential elements of...
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In this essay, I proceed in three sections. In the first, I offer an explanation of the final end rooted in classical ethics, and review...
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In this essay, I argue that Pinckaers provides a natural law theory which justifies the claim that the discernment of an individual citizen according to...
- ArticleIn 1967, two years after the end of the Second Vatican Council, Bernard Häring’s essay “The Normative Value of the Sermon on the Mount” appeared....
- ArticleIn this essay, I start by entering three methodological concerns about Pinckaers’s work, concerns that will resurface, in different forms, over the course of the...