This issue features an interview with Bishop Paul Tighe, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture, a conversation involving 11 scholars on the moral and theological implications of artifical intelligence, articles invoking the liberation theology, the theology of Ignacio Ellacuria, M. Shawn Copeland, and the philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas to envision ethical development and use of artificial intelligence.
The images accompanying the articles featured in this issue were generated with the help of AI system, which identified and then applied patterns from classic artwork or natural elements to pictures of well-known monuments and statues.
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Table of Contents, Journal of Moral Theology, Vol. 11, Special Issue no. 1, Spring 2022, "Artificial Intelligence"
Introduction %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
A primer on the terminology and moral issues in the field of artificial intelligence and an introduction to the Journal of Moral Theology special issue on artificial intelligence.
- ArticleDevelopments in artificial intelligence lead us to revisit key theological tenets, reconsider our humanity, reflect on technologies, and examine our social contexts. A conversing style fosters dialogue and mutual understanding.
- ArticleThe increasing presence of artificial intelligence in society calls for critical analysis. Multiple ethical resources guide in examining facial recognition systems and AI within the justice system and in workplaces.
- ArticleAre lethal autonomous weapons consistent with just war theory? While they might eliminate human emotions on the battlefield they also make war too easy and absolve humans of moral responsibility.
- ArticleAI aims to recreate human-level intelligence, based on a model far removed from the poor. Liberation Theology’s “Option for the Poor” challenges the dominant perspective and its social influence.
This essay offers a mystical-political theological dialectic in discussions of bias and injustice in technology ethics employing M. Shawn Copeland’s theological insight to bear redemption witness while pursuing just solutions.
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The field of robotics offers the opportunity to revisit personhood. Following Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, the article envisions the person as “incarnate singularity, coming to itself, in relation to others.”
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Theology of the natural world explains recent AI successes, while an account of interpretation as moral act shows use of AI either illuminates or shrouds the world behind narrow purposes.
- ArticleAI's social and ethical expansion demands theological anthropology for moral AI. AI can model its world experientially as systems and situate its moral self-reckoning within historical reality and practical wisdom.
- ArticleArtificial intelligence grants the opportunity to greatly help and harm the world. The Vatican has taken interest in AI with the hope that it can be steered towards better uses.
- ArticleThis epilogue brings together threads of ideas from this special issue on AI and adds additional yarn, highlighting the authors' contributions and how much more there is to say.